Turning point in Vietnam-US relationship

(VOVworld)-The just-concluded visit to Washington by Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang has created a new framework for the development of Vietnam-US relations: the comprehensive partnership. In the field of economics, besides a commitment to promote trade, another great achievement of this trip is a commitment for both sides to complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations as soon as possible. The settlement of differences, including human rights and religious freedom, gained results. Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said: “We discussed frankly and constructively the issue of human rights, clearly pointing out Vietnam’s policies on protecting human rights. During this trip, representatives of different religions in Vietnam talked and exchanged view points with the US representatives concerned about religion in Vietnam and provided them with more details of religious freedom in Vietnam. This has been one of the most important outcomes of the trip.”

Turning point in Vietnam-US relationship  - ảnh 1

Dung his official visit, President Sang highlighted the Vietnam-US relationship, which has contributed to peace, stability and development in the Asia Pacific region in remarks delivered at the Centre of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). “A message that I want to emphasize is that I hope Vietnam and the US will further boost our comprehensive cooperation for the benefit of our peoples, and join hands in building peaceful dynamic, stable and prosperous Asia Pacific. We need to cooperate on the basis of mutual respect, equality and benefits.”

President Sang’s trip to the US which boosted the Vietnam—US relationship to a comprehensive partnership has attracted the attention of the US public. Greg Poling, researcher of the CSIS Southeast Asia Program said: “More substantially, the announcement over the day of the comprehensive partnership really say something about how far the relationship has progressed.”

Before leaving the US, President Sang met with the family of former US President Bill Clinton, supporters of Vietnam, US war veterans, and overseas Vietnamese, who are important to forging close ties between the two countries.

