US: more troops in Australia

(VOVworld) - The Pentagon is considering increasing the number of US troops in Australia, calling a proposed a new force posture agreement between the United States and Australia a “milestone” in their relationship.

US: more troops in Australia - ảnh 1
Australian Defense Minister David Johnston, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel

At a news conference in Sydney with Australian Defense Minister David Johnston, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States is eager to sign the document, which will further America’s rebalance to Asia-Pacific, and be invaluable in sustaining peace and stability in the region. The long-term agreement addresses joint military development cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and several new initiatives.

The agreement came out of the Australia-US ministerial conference. The two defense leaders will be joined in discussions by US Secretary of State John Kerry and Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop. General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, also is participating.

