Vietnam celebrates 68th anniversary of August Revolution

(VOVworld) – An array of activities to mark the 68th anniversary of the August Revolution in 1945 were held across Vietnam. August 19th, 1945, was a milestone in Vietnam’s history of construction and defense showing that a small nation could liberate itself from the domination of a colonial ruler. Vietnam, a colony of France, became an independent nation. Vietnamese people rose from slavery to become citizens of a sovereign state equal with other nations.

Vietnam celebrates 68th anniversary of August Revolution  - ảnh 1
Commander of the Vietnam Liberation Army Vo Nguyen Giap reviewed the troops for the first time in Hanoi on August 26th, 1945 after seizing power. (Photo: Archive)

Major newspapers run articles on Monday on the historical significance of the victory. The People’s newspaper ran an editorial saying that the August Revolution ended years of misery and opened a new era of national independence and socialism. The editorial said that to commemorate the event, the Vietnamese Party, people, and army will promote patriotism, self-reliance, and unity to implement the resolution of the 11th National Party Congress. The current tasks are to stabilize the macro economy, control inflation, ensure social security, and pursue the national socio-economic development strategy of reforming Vietnam’s growth model, restructuring economy and building a socialist-oriented market economy.  

An editorial in the People’s Army newspaper praised the spirit of the August Revolution in the renewal process. The editorial said that over the past 70 years, the victory has retained its great impact and value which provide enormous motivation to the Vietnamese Party, people, and army to overcome all obstacles to lead the nation to new successes.

