Vietnam, Indonesia urged to raise trade to 10 billion USD

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan urged Vietnam and Indonesia to increase the exchange of visits and optimize cooperative mechanisms to raise bilateral trade to 10 billion USD in 2018 from 5.4-5.6 billion USD a year during the past three years. 
Vietnam, Indonesia urged to raise trade to 10 billion USD - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) receives Speaker of Indonesia’s Regional Representative Council Oesman Sapta  (Photo VNA) 

Ngan made the call at a reception for Speaker of Indonesia’s Regional Representative Council Oesman Sapta in Hanoi on Thursday on the sideline of the 26th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF-26) in Vietnam. Ngan urged the two sides to accelerate the signing of a coordination agreement on patrolling, and the establishment of a hotline between the two countries’ naval forces along with a policy dialogue mechanism at deputy defence ministerial level. She hoped Indonesia will continue promoting its crucial role in ASEAN and the world to strengthen intra-bloc solidarity in the East Sea issue to maintain peace, stability and development in the region. Oesman Sapta said Indonesia wants to share experience with Vietnam in law making. He also took note of the host’s proposal on pushing forward with negotiation on the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone in the water areas where Indonesia and Vietnam delimited the continental shelf in 2003, and on addressing fishermen-related issues based on humanitarian spirit and a bilateral strategic partnership.

