Vietnam prepares for typhoon Kalmaegi

Vietnam prepares for typhoon Kalmaegi - ảnh 1
Typhoon Kalmegri's predicted path. (Photo: The National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting)
(VOVworld) - The National Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control and the National Committee for Search and Rescue have guided offshore fishing boats and evacuated people on fishing farms to shelters in preparation for tropical storm Kalmaegi. By Tuesday morning, marine soldiers, together with local authorities, had issued storm warnings to 34,000 fishing boats and 124,000 people living near Vietnam’s north and central coasts. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat chaired a meeting on Tuesday on Vietnam’s response to Kalmaegi. The typhoon, packing winds of 150kmh near its center, is maintaining its strength as it moves toward the Tonkin Gulf. It is forecast to hit the northern coast from Hai Phong to Quang Ninh late Tuesday.

