Vietnam supports international efforts for disarmament

Vietnam supports international efforts for disarmament  - ảnh 1

(VOV) - Vietnam is strongly committed to supporting international efforts towards disarmament and arms control to prevent the overuse and illegal transfer of conventional weapons. Ambassador Le Hoai Trung, Head of the Permanent Representative Mission of Vietnam to the UN made the statement on Monday at the ongoing UN Conference on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in New York, the US. He said to get more countries involved in the ATT, the treaty should be negotiated in a transparent and open manner to consider the stances of all parties concerned. The treaty should be built without discrimination based on the equal basis of respect for the fundamental principles of international laws and the UN Charter, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations.

Ambassador Trung emphasized that as a responsible member of the international community, Vietnam will join other countries in building legally bound international documents to deal with the consequences of illegal transfer of conventional weapons.

