Vietnamese language school wins British Academy award

(VOVworld) – The British Academy on Wednesday presented an award to the Vietnamese Supplementary School in Deptford, London, along with 12 others in the UK, for its contributions to foreign language learning in the UK.

Vietnamese language school wins British Academy award - ảnh 1
Honorees receive the prize of the British Academy. (Photo: VNA)

The Vietnamese Supplementary School in Deptford, run by a Vietnamese women’s union and families living in London, has been open every Saturday for 8 years for kids and their parents. According to teacher Nguyen Quynh, the school at first just taught Vietnamese, but has added other subjects such as martial arts, painting, and cooking, to help students understand their original culture.

Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in the UK Son Thanh proposed that the Vietnamese government provides a Vietnamese language syllabus that is suitable for youngsters in the UK. He also called on Vietnamese agencies, associations, and students in the UK to expand Vietnamese language classes.

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