World heaping praise on General Giap

(VOVworld) The International media continue to publish images and articles praising General Vo Nguyen Giap’s life and career. In an article posted Tuesday on the US news website People’s World, Emile Schepers called General Giap a talented commander who helped Vietnam defeat its two mighty enemies, the French colonialists and the US imperialists, but was at the same time a peace lover.

World heaping praise on General Giap - ảnh 1

German’s Deutsche Welle website posted an interview with German historian Derek Frisby, who said he regarded General Giap as a master of revolutionary wars who was able to combine historical knowledge with keen assessments of his enemies’ psychology to defeat them. In an interview granted Tuesday to Radio the Voice of Vietnam, former Laotian Deputy Minister of Defense Senior Lieutenant-General Ay Sulinhaseng said: "General Vo Nguyen Giap was one of the first leaders in Vietnam who helped to build, protect, and promote the special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos. I would like to bow in deep respect to the hallowed memory of General Giap and his huge contributions to Vietnam and humanity. We, the Laos People’s Armed Forces, will never forget General Giap and his contributions to our country’s revolutionary cause."

