Yemen President rejects UN peace initiative

(VOVworld) - The President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, rejected the new UN peace initiative on Saturday.

Yemen President rejects UN peace initiative - ảnh 1
President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, rejected a new peace plan initiated by UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. (Photo:

A source close to the President affirmed that he had received the proposal from the UN envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, but refused to accept initiative.

Earlier at a meeting with representatives from Houthi rebel in Sanaa on October 25th, UN special envoy Ahmed put forth a peace initiative with the group and its allies to boost peace prospects in Yemen.

The 6-point political roadmap proposed by Ahmed includes recognition of current Yemen President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi as President of the transition government, agreement among all parties on the appointment of new vice presidents, immediate dismissal of current Yemen Vice President Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, and the formation of a national unity government with all parties involved within one month after a political deal is signed.

Other main points include revisions to the Constitution, the organization of an election one year later under international supervision, and the withdrawal of Houthi rebels and their allies from key positions in the northern regions, including Sanaa, the capital, and cities of Taiz and Al-Hudaida.


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