Youth volunteer force celebrates 65th founding anniversary

Youth volunteer force celebrates 65th founding anniversary  - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang (L) meets former youth volunteer (Photo: VNA)

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang reiterated that the Party and government always attached importance to ensuring favorable living conditions for people who had rendered great service to the nation. He urged the Party committee, Government at all levels and authorized agencies to offer preferential policies to all ex-youth volunteers to improve their living conditions. At a ceremony held on Wednesday in Hanoi to mark the 65th founding anniversary of the Vietnam youth volunteer force, President Sang said: "Since the youth volunteer force was formed by late President Ho Chi Minh 65 years ago, it has overcome numerous difficulties to fulfill its tasks, joining together with the people and army in victories that led to the success of the revolution and national reunification. The Party, State and people always remember the great sacrifice and devotion that former youth volunteers made during the struggles for national liberation."
Marking the occasion, President Sang presented the Hero of People’s Armed Forces title to Youth Volunteer Team 36.

