Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

(VOVworld)- Diplomatic tension has grown between the US and Venezuela since Venezuela demanded the US cut its embassy staff in Caracas 80% within 15 days. The demand has undermined the...
Commercial airplane crashed in Taiwan

Commercial airplane crashed in Taiwan

(VOVworld) – A Taiwanese commercial airplane carrying 58 people clipped a bridge and crashed into a river outside the capital Taipei early Wednesday
Coalition against IS met in London

Coalition against IS met in London

(VOVworld) - Top officials from 21 countries held talks in London on Thursday on pushing back Islamic Statemilitants (IS) in Iraq and Syria and tackling the growing threat of Islamic jihadists...
The conquest of Mount Fansipan

The conquest of Mount Fansipan

(VOVworld) – The conquest of Vietnam’s highest mountain- Fansipan- is an aspiration of many young people and adventurers in Vietnam. Today, our reporter Lan Anh follows a group of young adventurers...
45 Christian churches in Niger burnt

45 Christian churches in Niger burnt

(VOVworld) - Forty-five Christian churches were torched over the weekend in Niger’s capital during deadly protests over the publication of a Prophet Mohammed cartoon by the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, police...
Al-Qaeda warns France of new attacks

Al-Qaeda warns France of new attacks

(VOVworld) - Senior al Qaeda leader Sheikh Harith al-Nadhari released a recording over social media websites on Friday pledging further attacks in France. Referring to the attack on satirical magazine...
8 dead in Canada shooting incident

8 dead in Canada shooting incident

(VOVworld) – 8 people were killed this week in Canada’s worst mass killing ever. The incident unfolded in three different locations in Edmonton, in the western province of Alberta
2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

(VOVworld)- 2014 has been a year of aviation accidents and incidents. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 30 aviation accidents around the world, leaving more than 1...
Grave statues of the Bana

Grave statues of the Bana

(VOVworld) – Grave statues are typical cultural feature of ethnic groups in the Central Highlands. Grave statues of the Bana are not just folk artifacts but contain a philosophy of life