South Korean companies suffer after Kaesong closure

South Korean companies suffer after Kaesong closure

(VOVworld)- The South Korean government suspended activities at the Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea, a jointly operated industrial zone, after Pyongyang’s nuclear test and long-range rocket launch...
People undefeated by post-war bombs and mines

People undefeated by post-war bombs and mines

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Quang Tri province, an area of scorching sun and heavy rain, was also hardest hit by the American bombing during the war. Despite severe natural conditions, victims of...
US Special Forces kill senior IS leader

US Special Forces kill senior IS leader

(VOVworld) - First US operation of its kind in Syria kills Abu Sayyaf, captures his wife and frees a young Yazidi woman who appears to have been held as a slave...
A new chapter in US-Cuban relations

A new chapter in US-Cuban relations

(VOVworld) – US and Cuba are moving toward a full resumption of diplomatic ties, which have been suspended since 1961. Like the historic handshake between US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro...
Iran nuclear talks: no turning back

Iran nuclear talks: no turning back

(VOVworld) – March 31 is the deadline for the West and Iran to reach a framework agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. Negotiators from the P5+1 (the US, UK, France, Russia, China,...