Van Am - Five colored meat balls

Van Am - Five colored meat balls

(VOVworld) - In the past, five-colored meat balls was a dish for the upper class because it took time, patience, and many skills to make. The dish, a version of the familiar Jelly pork...
UN postpones Syrian talks

UN postpones Syrian talks

(VOVworld) - The next round of peace talks on Syria, backed by United Nations, have been scheduled for February 20th, instead of February 8th as the previous plan
The organization of a typical Viet village

The organization of a typical Viet village

(VOVworld)-Bamboo hedges and village gates symbolize the autonomy of Viet villages. In the past, virtually all daily activities of Vietnamese villagers occurred within the space demarcated by the bamboo hedge....
Syrian peace talks: negative signs

Syrian peace talks: negative signs

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council has approved a resolution on a cease fire in Syria, mediated by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It paves the way for a peace talks scheduled to take place in Astana, the capital...
The structure of a traditional Viet village

The structure of a traditional Viet village

(VOVworld)-An outgrowth of wet rice civilization, Viet villages are characteristically agricultural villages. The structure of a Viet village is adapted to rice farming and constitutes Vietnam’s typical rural...
One Day Baking Class

One Day Baking Class

(VOVworld) - Whether you are an absolute beginner, keen on baking or simply looking to take your skills to the next level, or whether you’re a busy person wanting to learn some cooking...
Preserving Quan Ho folk singing

Preserving Quan Ho folk singing

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Quan Ho folk singing was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind in 2009. In the cradle of Quan Ho, on the northern bank of...
Syrian opposition groups delay peace talks

Syrian opposition groups delay peace talks

(VOVworld) – 10 Syrian opposition groups announced on Monday they won’t attend the peace talks, planned this month in the Kazakh capital of Astana, blaming the Syrian government for violations...
Nationwide ceasefire in Syria takes effect

Nationwide ceasefire in Syria takes effect

(VOVworld)- A nationwide ceasefire in Syria brokered by Russia and Turkey took effect on Thursday at midnight. The Syrian Government and 7 rebel groups have agreed to a nationwide truce followed...
Syrian rebels kill civilians

Syrian rebels kill civilians

(VOVworld) – Syrian authorities have accused rebel fighters of executing 21 civilians, including women and children, at close range as they left Aleppo last week. The bodies were found in two...
Iran and Russia discuss the fight against terrorism

Iran and Russia discuss the fight against terrorism

(VOVworld) - President of Russia and Iran, Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani agreed to continue close cooperation on issues related to assistance in finding a political solution to the Syria crisis during their...
Christmas welcomed around the world

Christmas welcomed around the world

(VOVworld) – Christmas has been warmly welcomed around the globe. In Bethlehem, Christians and tourists flocked to Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity for Christmas Eve
UN extends aid activities in Syria for 1 year

UN extends aid activities in Syria for 1 year

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council has approved the delivery without government approval of humanitarian aid across borders and conflict lines in Syria for another year in a resolution aimed at...