Turkey warns of downgraded relations with US

Turkey warns of downgraded relations with US

(VOVworld) - Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim warned Thursday that the US risks major damage to its relationship with Turkey if Kurdish forces are included in the fight to retake Raqqa,...
ISIS recruits likely to return to Europe

ISIS recruits likely to return to Europe

(VOVworld) - Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 Islamic State militants of European nationality, who are now in Syria and Iraq, are likely to...
Turkey to join US in fighting IS

Turkey to join US in fighting IS

(VOVworld) – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday said Turkey could join a US-led operation to retake the IS’s stronghold of Raqqa only if Kurdish fighters are not involved
UN urges to stop violence in Syria

UN urges to stop violence in Syria

(VOVworld) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday urged world power to work harder to end the conflicts in Syria after the Security Council’s urgent talks on the...
Syrian forces lose control of al-Raqqa

Syrian forces lose control of al-Raqqa

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State has expelled Syrian government forces from the northern province of al-Raqqa in a lightning counter-offensive, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Monday
Turning point in anti-IS fight in Syria

Turning point in anti-IS fight in Syria

(VOVworld) – The Syrian army’s recent victories on the ground have created a turning point in the war against IS in Syria. Government forces have retaken a number of key areas...
IS conducts 2 chemical attacks in Iraq

IS conducts 2 chemical attacks in Iraq

(VOVworld) – Iraq reports that Islamic State militants had conducted two chemical attacks near Kirkuk city, killing a child and injuring approximately 600 people. The latest attack was on Saturday in Taza...
Lavrov, Kerry hail progress in Syrian ceasefire

Lavrov, Kerry hail progress in Syrian ceasefire

(VOVworld) – The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US State Secretary John Kerry had a phone conversation on Sunday, praising the "real progress" in ensuring a cessation of hostilities in...
IS executes 8 Dutch members in Syria

IS executes 8 Dutch members in Syria

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State killed 8 of its Dutch fighters for "desertion and mutiny" in Maadan, Raqqa province, Syria, last week, a member of the citizen journalist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered...