Ta Thi Chung, a Doctor of Agent Orange patients

Ta Thi Chung, a Doctor of Agent Orange patients

(VOVworld) – For three decades, Doctor Ta Thi Chung has cared for and taught nearly 200 children affected by Agent Orange. Children at the Hoa Binh (Peace) Village call her “grandmother”
Innovations by young people honored

Innovations by young people honored

(VOVworld) – A ceremony was held in Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc province on Saturday to honor and award the 2016 National Young Creative Festival
Italian Prime Minister delays his departure

Italian Prime Minister delays his departure

(VOVworld) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has agreed to stay in power until the Senate passes its 2017 budget in the coming days. Mr. Renzi formally resigned on Monday after the...
Government reduces regular expenses to raise wages

Government reduces regular expenses to raise wages

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged for greater efforts to implement the resolution on socio-economic development tasks for 2017 which include reducing public spending and increasing wages....
Jetstar Pacific opens Da Nang –Taipei flight

Jetstar Pacific opens Da Nang –Taipei flight

(VOVworld) – Jetstar Pacific budget airliner has opened the Da Nang-Taipei (China) flight using Airbus A320. It will have three returned flights a week on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Jetstar...
Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

Bonfire Night traditions in Britain

(VOVworld) – November 5th is the day when Britons everywhere celebrate Bonfire Night or The Guy Fawkes Night. The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial burning...
SCO Summit ratifies 11 decisions

SCO Summit ratifies 11 decisions

(VOVworld) - The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit concluded Thursday in Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgystan, following the ratification of 11 decisions on the 2017 SCO budget, a report on the...
UK plans for flexible fiscal policies

UK plans for flexible fiscal policies

(VOVworld) - Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond plans to adopt a flexible fiscal framework that will allow the budget deficit to rise should Brexit, Britain's exit from the...
Zika cases in HCM City climb to 17

Zika cases in HCM City climb to 17

(VOVworld) - The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee has declared the end of Zika virus outbreak at commune-ward level in Phuoc Long Ward, District 9. However, the outbreak still...
North Korea, China discuss border issues

North Korea, China discuss border issues

(VOVworld) - North Korea and China discussed building new border bridges and other border issues during a meeting of the Korea-China Border Joint Commission on Tuesday
Vietnam targets to obtain GDP from 6.3% to 6.5%

Vietnam targets to obtain GDP from 6.3% to 6.5%

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly Standing Committee continues its 4th session on Monday discussing a government report on the implementation of socio-economic tasks and state budget in 2016 and plan...