Egypt convicts 15 Muslim Brotherhood leaders

Egypt convicts 15 Muslim Brotherhood leaders

(VOVworld) – An Egyptian court has sentenced Mohamed Badie, top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and 14 others to life in prison on charges of murder and inciting violence
Political instability in Thailand

Political instability in Thailand

(VOVworld) – Thailand has faced serious instability since the bloody crackdown on protesters in 2010. Street protests killed 4 people and injured hundreds. Police have had to use tear gas and...
Violence mounts in Egypt

Violence mounts in Egypt

(VOVworld) - The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has continued its wave of protests despite big losses and a new curfew. Morsi supporters torched government buildings Thursday in Giza, west of Cairo
Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

(VOVworld)- The political crisis in Egypt escalated on Wednesday. August 14th was the bloodiest day in Egypt so far with 525 deaths deaths and thousands of people injured