Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs

Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs

(VOVWORLD) - Colonel-Doctor Ly Viet Hung has earned a place in the heart of Vietnamese folk music lovers, especially those in the southwestern region, with his many songs about Vietnamese soldiers and...
Vietnam poised to export Covid-19 test kits

Vietnam poised to export Covid-19 test kits

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s Covid-19 test kits attained a seal of approval from the World Health Organization after 5 rounds of strict testing and assessment. This opens the door for...
Countries ramp up battle against COVID-19

Countries ramp up battle against COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - US health officials say at least 14 coronavirus vaccines are in the pipeline under the Trump administration’s program “Operation Warp Speed” to fast-track development of a vaccine...