Traditional houses of Flowery Mong people

Traditional houses of Flowery Mong people

(VOVworld) – The Mong people live mainly in Ha Giang, Lai Chau, Son La, and Yen Bai province. Each Mong group has its own construction techniques but the Mong traditionally use wood...
Mong people in Na Tau hamlet make banh day

Mong people in Na Tau hamlet make banh day

(VOVworld) – The Mong people consider banh day, a kind of sticky rice cake, to be a symbol of the sun and the moon, which are the origin and vitality of humans and every thing on...
Nguyen Thi Tham and her community work

Nguyen Thi Tham and her community work

(VOVworld) – Hamlet chief Nguyen Thi Tham is quite familiar to everyone in Doai Khe hamlet, Dan Phuong district in Hanoi. Tham has spared no effort to engage the people in...
Intriguing white banhinia flower festival

Intriguing white banhinia flower festival

(VOVworld)- In March, Dien Bien province is full of white banhinia or locally known as Ban flowers, which are considered the symbol of culture and the soul of Dien Bien people. Dien Bien...
Community spirit of the Mong

Community spirit of the Mong

(VOVworld) – The Mong people live in clusters of a few households in the high mountains. They pay close attention to protecting their identity and unity. People of the same clan...
Cow market in Meo Vac

Cow market in Meo Vac

(VOVworld) – The northernmost province of Ha Giang continues to mesmerize visitors not only for its imposing stone plateaus but also because of the unique market displays by the local ethnic groups. The cow...
Jho gong, a musical instrument of Ede women

Jho gong, a musical instrument of Ede women

(VOVworld) – When the seasonal winds blow and peach and apricot trees bloom in the forests, the central highlanders welcome a season of festival, which lasts from the end of last year to the New Year. The...
Barefoot Dao men dance on red hot charcoals

Barefoot Dao men dance on red hot charcoals

(VOV) - Fire dancing is a typical spiritual culture of Dao ethnic minority people to pray for happiness and bumper crop. Fire dancing festival takes place at night which increases the...