New rural development in San Thang, Lai Chau

New rural development in San Thang, Lai Chau

(VOVworld) – Lai Chau province’s San Thang commune has fulfilled all 19 criteria of the national rural development program thanks to the local government’s flexible policies and the...
Rong house of the Ba Na

Rong house of the Ba Na

(VOVworld) – The Rong house of the Ba Na is a cultural venue for all villagers. Its typical architecture shows a harmony with nature and effectively protects the villagers from harsh...
Vietnam Fatherland Front works in Laos

Vietnam Fatherland Front works in Laos

(VOVworld) – Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front's Central Committee Nguyen Van Pha is visiting Laos to discuss preparations for the 5th conference on promoting a friendly and peaceful...
Religious rituals of the Muong

Religious rituals of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Muong in Hoa Binh worship their ancestors and practice polytheism. Shamans are respected people who perform religious rituals for families and the community. The Muong consider shamans messengers...
Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

(VOVworld) – The Muong have maintained their traditional construction techniques in building stilt houses - choosing an orientation, building, and decorating the house
Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

(VOVworld ) - Vietnam continues to be singled out as one of the world’s climate change hotspots. With its long coastline and low-lying deltas, researchers warn millions of people in the country...
The Muong group and their typical culture

The Muong group and their typical culture

(VOVworld) – The Muong have a population of around 1 million who live mainly in northern provinces like Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa. The Muong culture is related to Hoa Binh...
Vietgap longan growing model in Ba Ria Vung Tau

Vietgap longan growing model in Ba Ria Vung Tau

(VOVworld) – Ba Ria-Vung Tau province grows many delicious fruits, including dragon fruit, custard apple, grapefruit, and “xuong com vang” longan. The province’s application of the Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices (VietGAP...