TPP members to push domestic approvals

TPP members to push domestic approvals

(VOVworld) - A ministerial meeting of the 12 countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact negotiations, including Japan and the United States, was held in Lima on Friday. They...
US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

(VOVworld) - President-elect Donald Trump on Friday selected Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his attorney general. Trump also named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security...
Blood donation campaign 2016

Blood donation campaign 2016

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Red Cross Society and Prudential Insurance Vietnam held a press conference to introduce the blood donation campaign 2016 to be held in 16 provinces and cities. The...
World leaders congratulate President-elect Donald Trump

World leaders congratulate President-elect Donald Trump

(VOVworld) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday congratulated Trump on his victory and expressed hope of maintaining close cooperation between Germany and the US. British Prime Minister Theresa May sent her congratulations...
Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

(VOVworld)- At the end of the trading session on Wednesday, the US securities market soared with financial, health care and industrial stocks rising sharply reflecting investors’ hope that President-elect Donald Trump...
Donald Trump elected president of the US

Donald Trump elected president of the US

(VOVworld) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been elected the 45th president of the US. As the first US billionaire-turned president, Mr. Trump will be officially sworn into office on January...
Donald Trump becomes 45th president of the US

Donald Trump becomes 45th president of the US

(VOVworld) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been elected the 45th president of the US, winning 288 electoral votes, ahead of his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton, who won 215 electoral...
Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

(VOVworld)- In his Gettysburg Address, on October 22, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined what he would do in his first 100 days were he to become US president. Trump...
21st ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting opened

21st ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting opened

(VOVworld) - The 21st ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) opened in Bangkok, Thailand today/ on Friday, seeking to strengthen the two sides' cooperation across the board and work towards strategic partnership