Australia asks for MH17 criminal trial

Australia asks for MH17 criminal trial

(VOVworld) – Australia has asked the UN to set up an international criminal tribunal to find those responsible for the crash of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 nearly one year ago
MH17 plane shot down by Ukraine missile

MH17 plane shot down by Ukraine missile

(VOVworld) – A Russian missile maker has hinted that the Ukrainian government was involved in the downing of Malaysian Flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine last year
Last MH17 crash remains arrive in Netherlands

Last MH17 crash remains arrive in Netherlands

(VOVworld) - The remains of Dutch victims of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane which went down last year in eastern Ukraine killing 298 people on board has arrived in the Netherlands
150 dead in Germanwings A320 crash in France

150 dead in Germanwings A320 crash in France

(VOVworld) - There were no survivors of the Airbus A320 crash in southern France of Lufthansa's budget airline Germanwings, said Alain Vidalies, France’s Transport Minister on Tuesday
Hostage rescuing campaign in France ended

Hostage rescuing campaign in France ended

(VOVworld) - Both Charlie Hebdo suspects were killed after police stormed the building in the Dammarrtin-en-Goele town where the suspects were holed up for more than five hours. One man was...
2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

(VOVworld)- 2014 has been a year of aviation accidents and incidents. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 30 aviation accidents around the world, leaving more than 1...
Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

(VOVworld) – The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has made the Ukrainian crisis more critical. A missile shooting down the passenger plane, killing 298 people of many nationalities has...
Falsification to realize the U-shaped line

Falsification to realize the U-shaped line

(VOVworld) – China’s placing of the oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) clearly violates Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction under the 1982 UN Convention on the Law...