Yemen rebels support UN peace plan

Yemen rebels support UN peace plan

(VOVworld) - Yemen's Houthi rebels said on Sunday that a new UN peace plan was the "basis for discussion" despite containing "fundamental flaws
UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

(VOVworld) - The United Nation Special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, on Tuesday urged related parties to conclude a written political roadmap for resolving the conflict in Yemen
Yemen bogged down in crisis

Yemen bogged down in crisis

(VOVworld) – The 72-hour ceasefire in Yemen brokered by the UN has collapsed due to continuous fighting between Arab coalition and the Houthi forces. The impoverished country of the Arabian...
Conflicts continue in Yemen despite truce

Conflicts continue in Yemen despite truce

(VOVworld) – The Arabian military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Houthi force backed by Iran have accused each other of violating the 72-hour ceasefire in Yemen
Yemen ceasefire under threat

Yemen ceasefire under threat

(VOVworld) – The current ceasefire in Yemen came under pressure as the Saudi-led coalition said missiles fired from Yemen had left many injured in northern Saudi Arabia, while Houthi fighters...
UN warns against violence escalation in Yemen

UN warns against violence escalation in Yemen

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, the UN envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, warned against violence escalating in Yemen and urged all sides not to thwart efforts to reach a peace...
UN Envoy eyes 72-hour truce for Yemen

UN Envoy eyes 72-hour truce for Yemen

(VOVworld)- A 72-hour truce for conflict-riddled Yemen is expected to be announced soon, the UN envoy to the Arabian Peninsula country said Friday after talks with rebel representatives
Challenges in creating peace in Yemen

Challenges in creating peace in Yemen

(VOVworld)- The UN-brokered peace talks in Yemen are at risk of failing. Yemen’s Houthi rebels have rejected a new UN proposal to continue talks and demand for a unity...
Yemen peace talks extends by a week

Yemen peace talks extends by a week

(VOVworld) - Talks aimed at ending Yemen's war have been extended by a week. The United Nations envoy to Yemen, Ould Cheikh Ahmed, said on Sunday that the UN hopes...
Yemen peace talks resumes in Kuwait

Yemen peace talks resumes in Kuwait

(VOVworld) – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on Saturday urged warring parties in Yemen to take definitive decisions that demonstrate to the Yemeni people the sincerity...