Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

Scenario for climate change response in Vietnam

(VOVworld ) - Vietnam continues to be singled out as one of the world’s climate change hotspots. With its long coastline and low-lying deltas, researchers warn millions of people in the country...
US and Arab countries hold talks on combating IS

US and Arab countries hold talks on combating IS

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry and leaders of Arab countries attended talks in Saudi Arabia on Thursday to discuss forming an international coalition to fight the Islamic State...
Israel expands ground offensive in Gaza strip

Israel expands ground offensive in Gaza strip

(VOVworld) – Israel announced on Saturday it would expand its ground offensive in the Gaza strip as the bloodiest conflict ever since 2009 reached the 13th day killing over 360 people
Israel begins its ground offensive in Gaza

Israel begins its ground offensive in Gaza

(VOVworld) – A group of Israeli commandos moved to Gaza Strip on Sunday in their first ground incursion there despite UN Security Council’s call for a ceasefire just several hours...
Vietnamese people unite in national defence

Vietnamese people unite in national defence

(VOVworld)- The Vietnamese people have vehemently demanded China withdraw its oil rig Haiyang 981 from Vietnam’s waters and halt all its illegal actions in the East Sea. They...