Government resolution to help enterprises has effect

Government resolution to help enterprises has effect

(VOVworld) – Government resolution 13 is helping enterprises nationwide resolve production, trading, and market problem. The 1.4 billion USD package focuses on reducing interest rates, and loosening tax obligations. VOV...
Grassroots healthcare network reviewed

Grassroots healthcare network reviewed

(VOVworld)-The Ministry of Health has reviewed the implementation of the Party directive on strengthening healthcare network at grassroots level. Speaking at the event in Hanoi on Saturday, Head of the...
NA debates revised Draft Law on Electricity

NA debates revised Draft Law on Electricity

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies today continued their discussion on the Revised Draft Law on Electricity. Most agreed to keep electricity planning in central provinces and cities and remove it at...
Management of Internet parallels its development

Management of Internet parallels its development

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Information and Communication has submitted to the Government a new draft decree on the management, supply, and use of web services and information. These regulations are aligned...
Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals in Vietnam

Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Mother Goddess Worship and trance rituals (or “hầu đồng”) are traditional religious practices in Vietnam, with the latter considered an art performance combined with music, singing, and dancing. Mother Goddess Worship and trance...
Seminar on satellite hospitals project

Seminar on satellite hospitals project

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Health today held a seminar on implementation of a project on satellite hospitals to help ease the overload of central hospitals
Stimulate total demand for the national economy

Stimulate total demand for the national economy

(VOVworld) - Increasing the economy’s total demand to boost the market is one of the requirements the Prime Minister set at Sunday’s monthly Government meeting. According to PM Nguyen Tan Dung...