Iran nuclear talks resume in Vienna

Iran nuclear talks resume in Vienna

(VOVworld) – Iran began a new round of talks with the EU in Vienna on Tuesday before talks with the P5+1 group on drafting the text of a final deal on...
Iran nuclear talks go into end phase in Vienna

Iran nuclear talks go into end phase in Vienna

(VOVworld) – Iran and the P5+1 resumed talks in Vienna Wednesday toward a final comprehensive deal before the June deadline. Observers predict this new round of talks, set to last at least...
Syria refuses direct talks

Syria refuses direct talks

(VOVworld)- The Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Muallem on Sunday claimed to have rejected direct talks with the US during the Geneva conference
Russian, US Presidents discuss the Geneva 2 talks

Russian, US Presidents discuss the Geneva 2 talks

(VOVworld) – US President Barrack Obama on Tuesday called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to discuss the agenda for the peace conference on Syria, also known as Geneva 2, which opened Wednesday...