Fertility worship in Vietnamese culture

Fertility worship in Vietnamese culture

(VOVworld)- Fertility belief is of sacred importance in Vietnam’s folklore. Fertility worship is closely associated with Vietnamese farmers’ prayers for favorable weather, bumper crops and sufficient food
President launches tree planting movement

President launches tree planting movement

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang paid tribute to the Hung Kings at the national Hung Kings Temple special historical relic site in Phu Tho province on Tuesday
Activities mark 85th anniversary of CPV

Activities mark 85th anniversary of CPV

(VOVworld) – Various activities have been held across Vietnam to mark the 85th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on February 3rd
First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

(VOVworld) – The Tay people believe that during a person’s lifespan he must meet all his relatives in 4 ritual ceremonies: his 1st month ceremony as a newborn, his wedding, his housewarming...
Song writing contest for IPU-132

Song writing contest for IPU-132

The Voice of Vietnam has launched a song writing contest in the lead up to the 132nd General Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU- 132) in Hanoi on March,...
Pedestrian streets & Night market in Hanoi

Pedestrian streets & Night market in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - As the oldest continuously developed area of Vietnam, Hanoi's Old Quarter has a history that spans 2,000 years and represents the eternal soul of the city. Located between Sword Lake, the...
Muong epic of land and water creation

Muong epic of land and water creation

(VOVworld) – The Muong have an epic about the history of their group since the creation of land and water. The epic is a lively and creative encyclopedia of Muong traditions
Religious rituals of the Muong

Religious rituals of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Muong in Hoa Binh worship their ancestors and practice polytheism. Shamans are respected people who perform religious rituals for families and the community. The Muong consider shamans messengers...
Doi calendar of the Muong

Doi calendar of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Doi calendar, which once was used by all Muong branches, is now used only by shamans of the Muong Bi in Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province
New Israeli President sworn in

New Israeli President sworn in

(VOVworld) – Reuven Rivlin, 74, a member of the far-right ruling Liukud party, was sworn in Thursday as the 10th President of Israel, succeeding Shimon Peres