Actions against international law

Actions against international law

(VOVworld)- China’s illegal placement of oil rig HD 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf has been strongly condemned by Vietnamese and the world public. The international...
 Vietnam honors Russian academician

Vietnam honors Russian academician

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Pham Xuan Son on Monday awarded Order of Friendship by President Truong Tan Sang to Russian academician Mikhail Leontievich Tirarenko, Director of Far East Division...
Nations discuss parliamentary operations

Nations discuss parliamentary operations

(VOVworld) - The organization, operation and functions of a legislative body are being discussed at a two-day international conference, beginning on Thursday in Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnam’s media commemorate V.I.Lenin

Vietnam’s media commemorate V.I.Lenin

(VOVworld) – Major newspapers in Vietnam on Tuesday covered articles and photos about Vladimir Ilych Lenin – the prominent leader of the Proletarian class and workers worldwide
PM meets regional leaders on summit sidelines

PM meets regional leaders on summit sidelines

(VOVworld) - Prime Mister Nguyen Tan Dung on Saturday met separately with leaders of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on the sidelines of the second Mekong River Commission (MRC) Summit in...
Research activities on the East Sea promoted

Research activities on the East Sea promoted

(VOVworld) - A foundation aimed at supporting studies on the East Sea made its debut in Hanoi on Thursday. The East Sea Research Foundation (ESRF) is co-founded by the Diplomatic...
Russia discusses Vietnamese-Japanese relations

Russia discusses Vietnamese-Japanese relations

(VOVworld) - The Institute of Far Eastern Studies under the Russian Academy of Sciences held talks on consolidating the Vietnamese-Japanese relations as an important factor in ensuring security in East...