Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

Ngoc Gam, youth talent of amateur singing

(VOVworld) – At the age of 14, Do Thi Ngoc Gam of My Tu district, Soc Trang province, won second prize at the youth amateur singing contest sponsored by the Bac Lieu...
PM greets Harvard professor

PM greets Harvard professor

(VOVworld) - On Thursday in Hanoi, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc received Mr. Ricardo Hausmann, Director of the Center for International Development and Professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard University...
Information portal for start-ups to be established

Information portal for start-ups to be established

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government has approved a national project to help start-up businesses reform and innovate until 2025. The project, proposed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, is intended to...