NA Standing Committee discusses draft law concerning foreigners

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly Standing Committee on Tuesday discussed the draft law on the entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung chaired the meeting.

NA Standing Committee discusses draft law concerning foreigners - ảnh 1
Deputy Minister of Public Security Bui Van Nam at the meeting

The draft law stipulates that foreigners in Vietnam can use one passport only to make it easier for the handling of people who hold many nationalities including overseas Vietnamese. The deputies proposed stricter visa requirements for groups from which problems may arise including tourists and workers. Truong Thi Mai, Chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs says: “Those who get a visa to work in Vietnam must first be authorized by the labor, invalids and social affairs sector. This condition should be included in the Labor Code and will serve as reference for this draft law.”

Many deputies said that the regulations on temporary residence concerning those who come to work, study or invest in Vietnam should be based on the duration of their visa and temporary residence cards. The deputies also suggested that outstanding scientists and experts working in Vietnam should be granted permanent residence cards to encourage their contribution to Vietnam’s development.

The draft law will be submitted to the National Assembly for further discussion at its next session.

