Israel frees Palestinian parliament speaker

Israel frees Palestinian parliament speaker

(VOVworld) - Israel has released the speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Aziz Dweik after almost a year in prison following an army crackdown over the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers
 US sets conditions to improve ties with DPRK

US sets conditions to improve ties with DPRK

(VOVworld) – President Barack Obama on Monday dismissed North Korea's release of two imprisoned Americans as "small gestures", saying Pyongyang must change its attitude on nuclear weapons if it wants...
Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released

Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released

(VOVworld) - Rebels in eastern Ukraine released the four remaining European monitors on Saturday. In all, two observer teams of the Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe were...
Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

(VoVoworld) – Over the past 70 years, “Adventures of a Cricket", written by To Hoai, has become a close friend of many generations of Vietnamese children. Every sentence, every paragraph, and every image...