06/03/2020 Friday, March 6, 2020 | 20:36:00 (VOVWORLD) - - Talk show with Mrs. Manu Verma, the spouse of the Indian ambassador to Vietnam Pranay Verma about her experience in Vietnam and family values. - The best online learning platforms of 2020. Feedback VOVWORLD Dear Dr. M. S. Prasad,Thank you for enjoying our Lunch Show! Follow us on www.vovworld.vn, we will... More Dear Dr. M. S. Prasad,Thank you for enjoying our Lunch Show! Follow us on www.vovworld.vn, we will update our daily Lunch Show on our official website.Best regards,VOV Staff. <<<< Dr. M. S. Prasad An outstanding talk! More Feedback Submit Others VOV24/7 Lunch Show is now Beat The Rush! 23/12/2024 17/12/2024 10/12/2024