(VOVWORLD) - Indigo is a dominant color of clothes of many Vietnamese ethnic groups. The Tay in the northern region say that the tradition of using the indigo plant to dye fabric is derived from...
(VOVWORLD) -Brocade weaving, an age-old craft of the Van Kieu – PaCo in the central province of Quang Tri, has faded into obscurity due to the commercial production of modern fashion. To restore the...
(VOVWORLD) - The Rain Festival is one of the major festivals of the Ha Nhi ethnic minority in Muong Te district, Lai Chau province in the far Northwest of Vietnam. In the middle of the rainy...
(VOVWORLD) - With a population of about 1,000 people, the Si La are one of the 5 smallest ethnic groups in Vietnam. They live in remote mountain districts of Dien...
(VOVWORLD) - Bac Ha market in Lao Cai province is one of the most popular ethnic market sessions in the northwest region. Many people from other localities come here to buy “docked...
(VOVWORLD) - Language, writing, and costumes are important identifications to differentiate Vietnam’s ethnic groups. The Mong group in Ha Giang province has 4 branches: White Mong, Blue Flower Mong, Red Flower Mong, and...
(VOVWORLD) - Gongs and drums are the most popular musical instruments of the Co Tu in Tay Giang district, Quang Nam province. They are used in community events
(VOVWORLD) - The ethnic Black Thai of Vietnam’s northwestern region value the Pieu scarf as a symbol of love and an important clothing accessory for women. All Black Thai women...
(VOVWORLD) - The Black Thai in Son La province base their calendar on the phases of the moon. Important events such as funerals, weddings, ground breakings, house-warmings, and crop plantings...
(VOVWORLD) - The Dao in Hoanh Bo district, Quang Ninh province, use many herbal medicines containing indigenous herbs from Hoanh Bo mountain. The Dao’s exploitation of traditional plants and exploration...
(VOVWORLD) - Thai women in Vietnam’s northwest region always wear shoulder bamboo baskets when they work in terraced fields or go to the forest to pick vegetables and fruit. A...
(VOVWORLD) - The Ede ethnic minority people in the Central Highlands have developed rich cultural values, which are closely associated with terraced field cultivation. They are polytheists and observe many agricultural rituals...
(VOVWORLD) - Performing a new rice ceremony is a very old custom among the ethnic groups who live in Vietnam’s Truong Son mountain range in the Central Highlands. The ceremony acknowledges the primary...
(VOVWORLD) - UNESCO has recognized the sitting tug-of-war games and rituals at Tran Vu temple on the outskirts of Hanoi as part of the Representative List of the Intangible...
(VOVWORLD) - The Co Lao, one of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic minority groups, has about 3,000 people. The group settled in Vietnam about 200 years ago and now lives mainly...
(VOVWORLD) - The Ede ethnic minority people think that every water resource is managed by a genie. After each harvest and before each new crop, the Ede thank their water genies for blessing...
(VOVWORLD) - The La Ha ethnic minority lives in Vietnam’s northwestern region where they farm and perform some unique customs and rituals, including a ceremony of new rice worshipping to...
(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of years ago, the lithophone emerged as a signature musical instrument of the Central Highlands. Local people call it a stone gong. The sound of the lithophone is sometime as...
(VOVWORLD) - A Black Thai woman in Vietnam’s northwestern region ties her hair into a tall bun on top of her head to indicate that she has got married....
(VOVWORLD) - The Ede ethnic group in the Central Highlands consider the Che, a big jar, a symbol of family wealth and prosperity. A Che full of alcohol is an indispensable item at all worship...