(VOVworld) – The Mong people have many celebrations which are associated with agricultural production and aim to enhance clan and community relations. The New Year festival is one of their most important events. The Mong in each locality organize the Tet holiday some days earlier or later than others in November.

Young Mong boys and girls throw the pao ball (duichmocchau.net)
The Mong people celebrate the New Year festival when they have finished the harvest in November. They make a variety of authentic dishes from their farm products which show their wishes for a sufficient and happy life. The most popular dish is “banh day”, round sticky rice cake which they give their relatives as a gift. Tet is also an event for Mong women to make corn wine and cake. Round sticky rice cake, corn cake, corn wine, and a rooster are must-have things as ancestral offerings. Tran Thu Thuy, a staff of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, said: “On the first days of the New Year, the Mong people sacrifice a rooster because they consider the rooster a holy animal. Then they place the rooster’s blood on the altar of the house and the gate’s ghost, the kitchen, and household utensils. They hope they will be blessed for doing this.”
The Mong people make simple prayers in front of the altar. They wish for good health, peace, bumper rice crops, corn trees laden with fruit, and healthy cattle and domestic fowls. Tet for the Mong comes with some taboos. Thuy again: “During the three-day Tet holiday, they do not let strangers to enter their house. They don’t eat vegetables to avoid having to eat vegetables all year round. The house of the Mong has a main and sideline gate. During Tet, they do not use the main gate because they worship the gate’s ghost. After three days, they remove the branches and leaves hanging on the gate and invite guests to enter their house.

Mong women make round sticky rice cake for Tet

Mong people play folk games in a spring festival |
After indoor rituals, they celebrate outdoor festivities. They install a high bamboo tree called “neu” in the middle of a large ground, where people will gather to enjoy Tet cultural activities such as throwing the “pao” ball through a ring on top of the “neu” tree, dancing and playing panpipes and competing in folk games such as shooting crossbows and pushing sticks. Throwing the “pao” ball is a game to connect the players of both teams. Many people have found their lovers through this game. Thuy again: "On New Year holidays, young Mong boys and girls have the opportunity to play games and date. The boys play panpipes and the girls dance and sing."
Tet is the most popular festival of the year because it’s the time to relax after a year of hard work. The Tet celebration reflects the unique cultural features and traditions of the Mong.