10,000 private firms to be supported to develop sustainably

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has approved a program to support private enterprises in sustainable business development until 2025, to improve their awareness of the importance of sustainable trading.
10,000 private firms to be supported to develop sustainably - ảnh 1About 10,000 private firms to be supported to develop sustainably from now to 2025 (Photo: TL/vnbusiness.vn)

By 2025, at least 10 tools and solutions to measure, evaluate and recognise sustainable business will be developed to help 10,000 private enterprises reach the target of saving 5 to 7% of Vietnam’s total power consumption and raise labour productivity 7% annually.

A database and ecosystem supporting sustainable business will be developed to attract resources to implement initiatives aimed at sustainable trading.

The program will be implemented on a national scale and will focus on developing a sustainable business support ecosystem, support activities for enterprises to trade sustainably, and a management program.

