15th session of Committee for Judicial Reforms opens

15th session of Committee for Judicial Reforms opens - ảnh 1
15th session of Committee on Judicial Reforms opens

(VOVworld)- The Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform held a conference in Hanoi on March 31 to gather opinions on significant issues relating to the revised draft Laws on the Organisation of the People’s Court and the People’s Procuracy. President Truong Tan Sang, who is head of the committee, presided over its 15 th working session. Participants focused on a detailed project for reforming the organisation and activities of the Supreme People’s Court, provincial-level and regional People’s Courts. High on the agenda were also the organisation of People’s Procuracies at all levels and reforming the organisation and operations of military judicial bodies. In his address, President Sang asked the agencies in charge of preparing the projects and draft laws to be fully open to opinions proposed by the committee’s members and underpin the draft laws with sound scientific arguments. Sang said it was necessary to soon perfect the draft laws to submit to the National Assembly for debate at its upcoming 7th session scheduled for May.

