A dozen killed in Afghan Suicide Bombing

(VOVworld)- An Afghan official says a suicide bomber targeting a police commander killed at least 13 people, including 9 civilians, in Parwan province.

A dozen killed in Afghan Suicide Bombing   - ảnh 1

A suicide attack has killed at least 13 and injured 19 in Afghanistan's northern Parwan province. (Photo: nydailynews.com)

General Zaman Mamozai, the provincial police chief, said Monday’s attack occurred near a clinic and a bazaar. He says four local police were among those killed.

The police commander targeted in the attacks was wounded. The Taliban claimed responsibility in an email sent to media.

A UN report published early this month said most of the 11,000 Afghan civilian casualties in 2015 were victims of brutal and unprincipled attacks by insurgents.



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