ASEAN Community, East Sea highlights of Asia-Pacific Roundtable

ASEAN Community, East Sea highlights of Asia-Pacific Roundtable  - ảnh 1
Professor Carl Thayer.
Photo: Vietnamnet
(VOVworld)- Participants at the 28th Asia-Pacific Roundtable in Malaysia have discussed the need to develop mechanisms to promote coordination in dealing with trans-national crimes such as piracy, human trafficking, and damaging the maritime environment.
Also high on the agenda were mechanisms to ensure navigation safety and cooperation in search and rescue activities in the East Sea. Professor Carl Thayer, an expert on the East Sea from the Australian Defence Force Academy, urged ASEAN member countries to set up an effective security council and strengthen the role of the expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum and the Asian Coastguard Forum. He said ASEAN members should continue working with China to implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and complete a Code of Conduct in the East Sea.
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