ASEAN needs a common, strong approach to China’s calculations in the East Sea

(VOVworld) - Senior Fellow at Singapore’s International Institute for Strategic Studies (Asia) William Choong has called on ASEAN to adopt a common, strong approach to China’s calculations to expand its territory in the East Sea toward establishing a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC). Doctor Choong said China’s illegal placement of oilrig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf was a calculated move and had been planned by Beijing to gradually occupy the nine-dotted line. He said that if there is no reaction, either military or non-military from any country that claims sovereignty in the area, China will realize its plan of expanding its sovereignty in the East Sea. He praised Vietnam’s policy of avoiding escalating tensions and not using force against Chinese vessels in the oilrig area. He added that Vietnam has an appropriate and moderate approach to China’s challenges in its marine area. Doctor Choong said that ASEAN should persuade China that the COC is binding to not only China but also all the ASEAN countries that claim sovereignty in this marine area. 

