ASEAN-partners summits: countries concerned about East Sea issues

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and other ASEAN leaders on Saturday attended the 18th ASEAN-China summit, the 13th ASEAN-India summit, the 3rd ASEAN-US summit, and the 18th ASEAN+3 (Japan, South Korea, and China) summit. At the meetings, countries expressed their concern about recent developments in the East Sea, which have damaged trust and threatened regional peace, security, and stability.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said maintaining a peaceful, secured, and table environment is the prime condition for successful cooperation in all sectors which is the common interest and responsibility of ASEAN members, its partners, and the international community. Countries should enhance measures to build trust, promote preventive diplomacy, practice restraints, not use or threat to use forces, peacefully resolve disputes based on international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, not pursue militarization in the East Sea, comply with the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and negotiate to soon finalize the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea. Mr. Dung evaluated progress in ASEAN’s relations with its partners and suggested countries to continue supporting the formation of the ASEAN Community.

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At the ASEAN-China summit, both sides agreed to enhance the strategic partnership, focusing on sectors of mutual interests including trade, investment, finance, connectivity, narrowing development gap, environment, healthcare,  and education. ASEAN and China committed to raise two-way trade revenue to 1 trillion USD and two-way investment value to 150 billion USD in 2020. Both sides will organize a high-level meeting and cultural activities to mark the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China relations in 2016.

At the ASEAN-India summit, the leaders agreed to improve relations via the implementation of the action plan for the new period from 2016 to 2020. They agreed to strengthen connectivity in infrastructure, institution, and personnel. Both sides affirmed to raise two-way trade revenue to 200 billion USD in 2022.

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(photo: Reuters)

At the ASEAN-US summit, both sides agreed to elevate the ASEAN-US relationship to strategic partnership and organize a special level ASEAN-US event in 2016. The leaders hailed the new action plan for 2016-2020 as a framework to improve cooperation in politics-security, economics, and culture-society. They agreed to work together in preventing and fighting cross-border crimes, terrorism, human trafficking, piracy, and wild life trafficking.

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At the ASEAN +3 summit, the leaders committed to push comprehensive cooperation in all sectors, particularly economics, trade connectivity, finance, tourism education, IT, science and technology, healthcare, catastrophe management,  food security, energy, and cross-border pollution.

