Calligraphic paintings of President Ho Chi Minh’s poems displayed

(VOVworld) – President Ho Chi Minh’s poems written in Chinese have been transcribed in calligraphic style and exhibited at the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group’s Center in Hanoi. The event was co-organized by the New Energy Newspaper and the Hanoi Young Calligraphers Club.

Calligraphic paintings of President Ho Chi Minh’s poems displayed - ảnh 1

President Ho Chi Minh wrote more than 170 poems in Chinese, including a Prison Dairy consisting of 133 poems. Le Tien Dat, one of 28 calligraphers writing the poems, says: "There are many interesting and meaningful poems. I have written poems from the Prison Dairy and some other poems. I write in the Le style, an ancient calligraphy from the end of Chinese Qin dynasty to the early Han dynasty. This is the first gathering for many of these young calligraphers."

The calligraphic paintings of President Ho Chi Minh’s poems will be displayed at the Temple of Literature on Wednesday and Thursday.

Ngoc Anh

