Cambodian NA leader concludes Vietnam visit

Cambodian NA leader concludes Vietnam visit  - ảnh 1
President of the Cambodian National Assembly (NA) Heng Samrin and NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung

(VOV) - President of the Cambodian National Assembly (NA) Heng Samrin left Hanoi on July 25, concluding the official friendship visit to Vietnam at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Sinh Hung. At the meetings, the two countries’ leaders expressed their delight at the fine developments of traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation, affirming that they always attach great importance to strengthening Vietnam-Cambodia relations for mutual benefit and for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and in the world. They agreed to promote cooperation and the exchange of information and experience between their respective NAs to contribute to the two countries’ mutual development. The two NA leaders signed a cooperation agreement between their legislative bodies under which the two NAs will build a cooperation programme and identify specific areas and sectors that require further attention to ensure their ongoing usefulness and efficiency.

