Chinese President meets with Indian Prime Minister

Chinese President meets with Indian Prime Minister - ảnh 1
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, and Chinese President Xi Jinping wave to journalists. (Photo: AP)
(VOVworld) - Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Xi'an, capital city of Shaanxi Province, on Thursday, according to China’s Xinhua news agency. Xi said at the meeting that China-India relations are seeing stable development and facing broad prospects. He expressed his hope that the two countries can forge mutual trust and resolve disputes to strengthen bilateral relations. Modi said India is ready to advance cooperation with China in cultural exchanges, bilateral trade and disputes settlement.

The two leaders discussed issues facing South Asia. Xi Jinping emphasized that China has a close relationship with South Asia and is ready to strengthen cooperation with all the countries in South Asia, including India, to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

Modi is visiting China from Thursday to Saturday at the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. This is Modi’s first visit to China since he began his term last year.

