Conference discusses nuclear power plant safety

(VOVworld) – Nuclear experts are in Potdonsko city, Moscow, discussing the safety of nuclear power plants which use light water reactors. The 4-day international symposium which opened Tuesday is featuring presentations on short-term and long-term measures and plans to ensure nuclear safety in each country.

Conference discusses nuclear power plant safety - ảnh 1
The symposium on nuclear safety takes place in Potdonsko city, Moscow, on May 28th.
 (Photo: VOV)

Doctor Mikhail Nikitenko, Deputy Chief Designer of the company Gidropress, talked to VOV reporters about the construction of nuclear power plants in Vietnam and their safety: "Vietnamese experts should consider options for building nuclear power plants introduced by Russia. The plan is for a 60-year period using lessons learned from the Fukushima disaster".

Nikitenko said construction under the contract between Vietnam and Russia has already begun. Vietnamese students are being trained as nuclear plant operators.  

Diep Anh & Doan Hai, VOV correspondents in Moscow

