Conference on reshaping global financial system and Vietnam's strategy

(VOVWORLD) - Economists and policymakers gathered at a national conference in HCMC on Friday to re-evaluate the current development in the world and how it is affecting Vietnam’s financial systems.
Conference on reshaping global financial system and Vietnam's strategy  - ảnh 1(Photo:

At the conference named "Reshaping the global financial system and Vietnam's strategy", the second of its kind, Dr. Can Van Luc, a member of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council, said Vietnam's resilience to the financial market is "fairly average" and proposed a number of solutions.

He explained, “In addition to recovering the economy, this year we need to attach special importance to stabilizing the macro-economy, including inflation and risks to the financial system, especially the stock market and real estate.”

Luc also underscored the need “to make the economy transparent but not to tighten it. On the other hand, it’s necessary to develop institutions related to the development of a digital economy, finance, and digital banking.”

Economists suggested that Vietnam determine macro-economic stability as a way to stabilize its financial situation with help of the state economy and the collective economy.


