Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails

(VOVworld) -  Decoding of the black box from the Russian Su-24 fighter jet downed by Turkey is impossible with the currently available means, due to severe damage to the internal memory board.

Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails - ảnh 1
Impossible to decode the black box from the Russian Su-24 fighter jet downed by Turkey due to severe damage to the internal memory board (

 Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Monday that experts are considering asking for help from scientific institutions possessing advanced data retrieval and decoding technology.

The decoding of the flight recorder will help determine the plane's flight path and position, on which Moscow and Ankara furiously disagree. Russia said its jet was brought down while flying at an altitude of 6,000m over Syria on November 24 by an air-to-air missile fired from a Turkish F-16 fighter. At that time, the Russian jet was participating in an air strike against IS. Russia has asked Turkey to apologize and pay compensation and Turkey has refused. 

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