EU countries agree on 11th package of sanctions on Russia

(VOVWORLD) -The governments of the EU member states agreed to impose a new package of sanctions against Russia for the conflict in Ukraine. 

The 11th EU sanctions package aimed at Moscow will involve closing loopholes so that goods vital to Russia don’t get through via nations that trade with the EU and have maintained a business-as-usual relationship with Moscow.

"Today, the EU Ambassadors agreed on the 11th package of sanctions against Russia. The package includes measures aimed at countering sanctions circumvention and individual listings," officials from Sweden, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, wrote on Twitter. 

Under the sanctions, the transit via Russia of goods and technology which may be used by the Russian military or aid in its defense and security, will be forbidden. The sanctions will also make it possible to impose restrictions on the sale of sensitive dual-use goods and technology to countries that could perhaps sell it on to Russia and expand the list of restricted items that could serve Russia's defense sector. 

The measures also extend the suspension of licensing of five Russian media outlets to broadcast in Europe and add more than 100 individuals and entities to its list of frozen assets in the EU.


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