Fatherland Front promotes national unity

Fatherland Front promotes national unity - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang presented Labor Orders to outstanding collectives and individuals.

(VOVworld)- A meeting to honor outstanding heads of the Fatherland Front Committees and exemplary residential areas was held in Hanoi on Wednesday. Over the past years, Fatherland Front Committees have contributed greatly to disseminating Party guidelines and state policies, and promoting democracy and national unity. These organizations have also encouraged people to respond to patriotic emulation movements, economic development and poverty reduction. In his address, President Truong Tan Sang emphasized the important role of Fatherland Front Committees in building stronger residential areas.“The Fatherland Front Committees need to promote dynamism, creativity and reform to improve their organizations and activities to contribute to the development of residential areas. The organizations need to effectively organize patriotic movements, contribute to promoting people’s right to mastery and encourage the public to contribute to the Party building at grassroots level.”

On the occasion, President Sang presented Labor Orders to outstanding collectives and individuals.

