Former US Senator Jim Webb announces presidential bid

(VOVworld) – Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb announced Thursday that he is running for president of the US, becoming the 5th Democrat to join the presidential race.

Former US Senator Jim Webb announces presidential bid - ảnh 1

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb speaks in Baltimore (Photo: AP)

Webb, 69, wrote in a 2,000-word blog post that he decided to run because “the US needs a fresh approach” to resolving its problems. He complained of the US political climate, “where fair debate is so often drowned out by huge sums of money.”
He wrote that if he had been the US President, he wouldn’t have supported the Iraq War or the use of military force in Libya, adding that the use of military didn’t meet the test of a grave national security interest. Webb pledged to strengthen US relations with allies and partners and defeat terrorism, which has threatened US national security.

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