France holds memorial service for Paris attack victims

(VOVworld) - France on Friday mourned the 130 people killed in the November 13 Paris attacks, with President Francois Hollande and 2,000 people including families of the dead, several injured victims, politicians, and dignitaries, attending the memorial service at Les Invalides.

France holds memorial service for Paris attack victims - ảnh 1
Survivors of the attacks were among the 2,600 people who attended the ceremony (Photo:

In his address, President Hollande strongly criticized terrorists and named exactly the Islamic State the culrit.

Hollande said the attackers acted “in the name of an insane cause” and promised that “France will do everything possible to destroy the army of fanatics who committed these crimes.”

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Francois Hollande's brief address paid tribute to the "130 smiles and faces" of the victims (Photo:

IS claimed responsibility for the attacks two weeks ago on bars, restaurants, a concert hall, and France’s national stadium.


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