“Friends of Syria” meeting ends in London

(VOVworld) – The “Friends of Syria” meeting has ended in London after calling on the Syrian opposition to participate in the Geneva II talks scheduled for the middle of next month in Switzerland.

“Friends of Syria” meeting ends in London - ảnh 1
The meeting reiterates no role for Assad in Syrian future interim government. Photo: internet
The meeting reaffirmed there will be no role for Syrian President Bashar Al Assad in Syria’s future interim government. In a joint statement released at the end of the meeting, all parties agreed that once an interim government is established in Syria, President Assad and his close aides will no longer be allowed to take part in the country’s governance. The statement also called on opposition groups to resolve their internal conflicts and attend the upcoming Geneva talks. Initiated by Russia and the US, the talks in Geneva next month will be a fresh opportunity to end the 3-year civil war in Syria that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven millions to seek refuge in neighboring countries.

